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Burn Victims

Написано Bell | Sat, Mar 18 at 11:18am:

Господа, Петrович, что такое Burn Victims? В Barrons напечатана статья, см. http://www.siliconinvestor.com/stocktalk/msg.gsp?msgid=13232219
Below are the 207 Internet companies we reviewed. They are ranked by how quickly they are likely to burn through their cash. Burnout rates are calculated as of March 1, 2000. An asterisk after a company name indicates that insiders have sold 25% or more of the shares made available in recent secondary offerings. Not a good sign.

Results for Calendar 4th Qtr '99 Months
Market Operating Operating Till
Rank Company Symbol Value 2/29 Revenues Expenses Losses Burnout
1 Pilot Ntwk Services PILT $ 557.60 $ 8.47 $ 3.83 $ -4.62 -0.14
2 CDNow CDNW 239.00 53.11 44.34 -34.69 0.37

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