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Re: вопрос по Датеку..

Написано Michael | Sun, Apr 18 at 04:10am:

В ответ на: вопрос по Датеку.. posted by lizard on Mon, Apr 12 at 1:28pm:

: Как реально перечислить с Датека обратно денюжку
: мне родимому?:-).. к примеру, существует ли у него
: ATM-КАРТА (как, например, в Waterhouse), чтобы я
: мог снять деньги в местном банкомате? Или только
: счет на себя открывать хоть где, и никак иначе?..
: С Уважением, Lizard..

Hi there! There are 2 things you can do about it.
1. Request funds. In this case they will send a check by mail.
2. Setup wire transfer. Here you need to have an account in the bank capable of receiving wires.
As you see both options are not terribly helpful for RF residents. It represents more general problem for investors. They jump to US brokers without clear understanding how to get their money back.
However if you go to NTBK site (netbank.com) you might find it convenient to open both regular and investment account with them. They offer ATM/debit card which can solve your problem. They charge more for the transaction though...
Hope it is helpful

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